Configuration - Concrete Tickets


The configurations allow the user to configure the different options or methods of use available within the Tickets module.






maestro* > Tickets > Maintenance > Concrete Tickets > Configuration


Enter configurations

  1. Click on General in the menu on the left.



Project type

Allows user to display, in the various module options, only those projects associated with the project type selected.

NOTE: The type is associated with the project in Project Management.

Invoicing Project

Allows user to define the default invoicing project.

Invoicing Date

Available values:


Actual date.


Ticket date.

NOTE: If B-Ticket is used and there are several tickets with different dates, the most recent date is used.


Allows you to create invoices with a specific date that will be entered when invoicing.

Invoicing Type

Available values:

0-Single product

Displays one product per invoice.


Displays several products on the same invoice.

Invoicing order

Order in which the information appears on the invoice. Available values:

0-Date, Counter

By date and transaction counter number.

1-Ticket Number

By ticket number.

2-Date, Ticket num.

By date and ticket number.

Invoicing Method

Available values:


Groups the same product on one line.

NOTE: Maestro* displays the detail entered in the TicketIdentification field and rolls-up the sum of the tickets.


Displays all details; the same product can appear multiple times.

Invoice COD tickets separately

Check the box to indicate to maestro* to invoice the COD tickets separately.

Invoice Grouping

Type of grouping of transactions when invoicing the tickets. Available values:


Regroup the tickets by client and project.


Regroup the tickets by client.


One invoice per ticket.

NOTE: Valid only with the options Ticket Validation and Inquiry and Ticket Invoicing - Concrete. Not valid in advanced mode.

Action if Unit Price=0

Allows user to define which action maestro* is to perform if the unit price on that line is equal to 0. Available values:


Does not display the line if the unit price is equal to 0.


Displays the line even if the unit price is 0.

NOTE: It is recommended to use 1-Accept.

A warning is displayed when a catalogue price is used

Maestro* displays a warning if the sale price used comes from the catalogue rather than the ticket.

NOTE: A notice is entered on the line for the product during invoicing. The status of sales generated acceptance is at N.

Discount Processing

Available values:


Displays the product price, the discount rate as well as the net amount of the sale on one line.


Displays only the net price without indicating it was discounted.


Displays the unit price and the applicable discount rate separately.

If needed, enter the discount suffix.

NOTE: During the creation of invoices, if the discount processing mode is set to Separate and a suffix is entered, the system will create a discount product code using the original product code as the suffix. If this product already exists in the catalogue, it will be added to the invoice discount line.

Internal Customer

Internal customer linked to the Def. Internal ticket field.

NOTE: The customer is issued from Customer Management.

COD Customer

Allows the user to select the customer for which all the COD payments are to be recorded.

NOTES: The price displayed on the ticket is used for invoicing the COD customer. The price is managed by the scale.

The customer is issued from Customer Management.

Keep original Customer Code for COD sale

Check the box to indicate to maestro* to conserve the original customer when a sale is paid in cash.

NOTE: If this box is not checked, the original customer will be replaced by the customer identified in the COD Customer field for all tickets paid in cash.

Ticket Identification

Note entered if the field Invoicing Method is at 1-Simplified.

NOTE: This note will be printed on the sales invoice.

Invoice description format

Allows the user to configure the information that appears in the Description field of the generated invoice grid. The possible variables are: DATE, DESC, NOBILL, NOJOB.

Invoice long description format

Allows the user to configure the information that appears in the Long description format field of the generated invoice grid. The possible variables are: NOADR, DATE, DESC, NOBILL, NOJOB.

  1. Click on Configuration in the menu on the left.



Sales Account

General ledger account for revenue to be used by default for all the invoicing.

NOTE: It is possible to have more than one revenue account. However, it is necessary to enter a default account, preferably the most used account.

AR Account

General ledger account for AR to be used by default for all the invoicing.

NOTE: It is possible to have more than one AR account. However, it is necessary to enter a default account, preferably the most used account.

Discount Account

General ledger account for discounts to be used by default.

Federal Tax Code

General ledger account for federal taxes to be used for customer accounts.

NOTE: It is recommended to manage this tax code from Customer Management.


General ledger account for provincial taxes to be used for customer accounts.

NOTE: It is recommended to manage this tax code from Customer Management.

Invoice Form

Form used by default when printing an invoice.

Combine RM and TR

Check the box to regroup the raw material and the transportation on one line.

Subtotals on Invoice

Allow for the display of a partial sum on the invoice. Available values:


No partial sum displayed

1-Product code

Displays a partial sum by product code

Preparation Time

Preparation time before the unloading, in this format HH:MM

Unloading time

Time for unloading of truck, in this format HH:MM

Billable time block

Billable block of time, in this format HH:MM

Warning time item code

Allows the user to indicate the product code corresponding to the wait time

  1. Advanced Concrete Ticket Invoicing section:

This section allows the user to determine the way the tickets will be presented in invoicing.



Sort by

Order in which the information is printed on the generated invoice by the advanced concrete ticket invoicing.

The base sorts are by source and by client code. It is not possible to change these choices.

By contrast, it is possible to add sorts by checking some fields. It is also possible to change the sorting order of these fields by moving them with the help of the arrows to the right of the field selection.

Group by

Group by the types of transactions when using the advanced concrete ticket invoicing.

NOTE: Valid only with the options Ticket Validation and Inquiry and Ticket Invoicing - Concrete. Not valid in advanced mode.

  1. Click on Import in the menu on the left.

This section allows the user to configure the information to be taken into account by default during the data import by maestro*.





Name of the system from which the information is being imported.

NOTE: The documentation annexed to the Ticket Management provides more information on the available fields for each manufacturer.

Import Filename

Directory and import file name by default.

Default Status

Default status of tickets following the import.

The choices are: 0-Entry, 1-On Hold et 3-To be validated.

Do not validate truck number during import

If the box is checked, allows the user to not validate the truck number during import.

Keep the provided prices and taxes

If the box is checked, allows for the conservation of prices and taxes provided during the import.

Automatically create Delivery Addr. when importing tickets

Allows to automatically create delivery address when importing tickets.

NOTE: For all manufacturer, the delivery address is created from the Address 1, 2 and 3 columns of the importation grid.

GP System Compatibility Mode

Check the box in order to ensure compatibility with the Great Plains system.

First adress line in the ticket

Used to indicate what should appear in the ticket's first address line.

NOTE: This configuration will be considered when both manually creating or importing concrete tickets.

  1. Click on Additives in the menu on the left.

This section lets the user identify the product codes corresponding to the different additives which may be present on the tickets. At the time of importation of the concrete tickets, if the indicator corresponding to each of these additives is enabled, an additional element containing the product code corresponding to the additive will be added.




Product code corresponding to the Dispersant


Product code corresponding to the Self-Timer

Smoked Silica

Product code corresponding to the Smoked Silica


Product code corresponding to the additional costs incurred by the delivery of concrete during a Thaw period.


Product code corresponding to the Granite


Product code corresponding to the Mortar

Concrete Pump

Product code corresponding to the utilisation of a Concrete Pump


Product code corresponding to the Heating of concrete


Product code corresponding to the Calcium


Product code corresponding to the Location of additional equipment

Super Plasticizer

Product code corresponding to the Super Plasticizer


Product code corresponding to the Accelerator

Incomplete Delivery

Product code corresponding to the additional costs incurred by the Incomplete Delivery of concrete.


Product code corresponding to the Cement

Concrete Block

Product code corresponding to the Concrete Blocks


Generic product code corresponding to the additional Additives indicated on the ticket


Product code corresponding to the Subsidence tests


Product code corresponding to the temporary Surcharge


The Granite, Calcium, Incomplete Delivery, Subsidence, Cement and Additive fields also allow for the entry of additional information in the same field

  1. Click on Save.


See also


Last modification: February 27, 2025